Crafting a Small Business

Crafting a Small Business


Welcome to the radiant world of Crafted by Light! I'm Svetlana, the sole creator behind this business and I'm thrilled to share my story on here.

As I unravel the story behind Crafted by Light, you'll see a similarity between many startup businesses': the joys and difficulties, the contrast of doubt and motivation, and the thrill and disappointment we face daily.

How it Started

It all began with a crochet kit, a Christmas present from my mum nudging me to explore a new hobby.

Little did I know, that seemingly innocuous gift would set the wheels of a small business creation.

Drawing inspiration from my Russian heritage, where 'Svetlana' translates to 'light,' I melded my name with a word that embodies creativity and artistry beyond crochet alone.

Crafted by Light—a name that resonates with uniqueness, authenticity, and a personal touch that reflects my dedication as the sole crafter.

Doubts, Challenges, Realisation

Launching an online business wasn't without its doubts and uncertainties.

  • Would I earn enough?
  • Would people appreciate my creations?
  • Could I balance it alongside another job?
  • Would I be irresponsible as a 22-year-old to invest in an uncertain path of a small business owner?
  • Will this decision disappoint my partner and hold our goals back?

These were all questions that lingered in the back of my mind and made me question my priorities and responsibilities as a 'new-born' adult. 

Yet, amidst these uncertainties, the allure of pursuing my passion overran all the negative questions that floated around rent-free in my head.

Why should doubts dim possibility? With determination as my guiding light, I took the leap into the world of online entrepreneurship.

It's amusing how life has a way of aligning with our passions. Before diving into crocheting, it seemed like a niche craft, barely visible on my social media or in-person.

But as soon as I launched my website, crocheters began emerging everywhere! I thought to myself... 'Where did they all suddenly appear from? I thought I was one of very few!'

It was an enlightening transition from obscurity to ubiquity: a sigh-of-relief moment that I was not the only young crafter folding into the joys of grandma hobbies.

What's My Future?

Expanding my reach beyond social media, I partnered with Made in Stroud, a charming local shop in the heart of Stroud that celebrates the essence of handmade goods.

Made in Stroud serves as a haven for small local businesses, showcasing their creations in a collaborative space brimming with uniqueness.

Collaborating with Made in Stroud felt like a huge step forward in my progression as a small business: having a shared commitment to celebrate the craftsmanship of real people and their beautiful creations.

If you find yourself in the vicinity of Stroud or plan a visit, have a wander in the shop and discover a bundle of handmade delights crafted with love and care.

So, I ask myself, what does this mean for my future? Where do I want this business to take me?

I envision Crafted by Light reaching many across continents, illuminating the lives of friends, family, and strangers.

More to Come...

This journey is just the beginning, and I'm eager to see where it leads. From the streets of Stroud to the farthest reaches of the globe, I will continue to shine bright until, perhaps, I'm indeed at grandma age, still weaving dreams one stitch at a time.

Thank you for joining me on this first blog.

Until next time, keep the light of creativity burning bright!

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